The copper coil is a small T shaped plastic frame with copper wire (coil). This is put into the woman’s womb. It can only be Inserted and removed by a specially trained doctor.
It is:
How does it work?
It works by:
- stopping the sperm from reaching and combining with the egg
- preventing a fertilised egg from settling in the womb
The copper coil can be used as an emergency contraceptive method.
It is important that you talk to a doctor who will assess what contraceptive option is best for you.
- It does not interrupt sex.
- It works as soon as it is inserted.
- It can stay in for up to 5-10 years.
- If inserted after the age of 40, it may stay in place until the menopause.
- You're periods maybe heavier or longer.
- It does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).